A Voice for Distributors Throughout the Commonwealth

Community Investment

Involved and

Giving Back



Investing in our Communities

Members of the Beer Distributors of Massachusetts have been operating in our communities for generations. These are family-run companies owned and operated by your friends and your neighbors.

Our members are committed to supporting the cities and towns in which they operate because these are their cities and towns as well. From sponsoring fund-raising events to providing much-needed funding to youth groups, vets, elder groups, and others, our members are giving back millions of dollars every year to the volunteers and organizations who are providing a foundation for our communities. 

Economic Impact


With 3rd and 4th Generation Family-Owned Businesses, The Beer Distributors of Massachusetts Deliver:


We all have an opportunity to reduce our impact on the environment and our members are continuously finding news ways to reduce their carbon footprints.  From installing energy-efficient technologies in warehouses, to implementing some of the most robust recycling programs in the state, distributors are focused on following environmentally friendly, carbon-reducing sustainable business practices.  Just another way our members are investing in their communities.


Beer distributors take the importance of responsible consumption very seriously.  Our members participate in education programs through outreach and social media that drive home the message of responsible alcohol consumption.

Continued messaging is making progress over the last three decades to reduce problems associated with alcohol abuse. Over the past 10 years, 14,657 lives have been saved from drunk driving crashes, nationally.  In Massachusetts there was a 33 percent decrease in drunk driving deaths in 2015.*

These gains have been the result of changing societal attitudes about responsible alcohol consumption, thanks to the educational programs of government, community-based programs and the beverage alcohol industry. 

Thanks to these programs, drunk driving fatalities have fallen by a third in the last three decades; however, the chance of being in an alcohol-impaired crash is still one in three over the course of a lifetime. 

There is more work to do. Member distributors throughout Massachusetts support local community efforts to combat alcohol abuse and help deliver many quality supplier sponsored “responsible use” programs.

* Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.